at a glance

Protecting Email at a glance

Phishing is one of the top ways for an organization to be compromised.

Purple Folder offers Email Threat Protection, a multi-layered filtering solution that uses machine learning to detect threats in real time as they enter your organization’s network.

With Purple Folder’s Email Threat Protection, you can greatly increase your protection against phishing, impersonation, malware, ransomware and spam-type messages while ensuring legitimate emails are delivered to users. Additionally, it provides protection against advanced persistent threats (APTs), which typically target executives or employees with privileged access credentials who have access to sensitive information within an organization’s network.


protecting your company’s email security has never been more Important

See how having a skilled IT team on your side makes all the difference

With data breaches and malware attacks on the rise, protecting your company’s email security has never been more important.

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